As an automobile enthusiast, I'm not a fan of speed cameras. I think they're generally a revenue stream disguised as public safety. The city where I live, here in Ontario, recently introduced speed cameras to our community.
At first, they said they'd put them only in school zones. This, of course, came with little protest since everyone agrees that people shouldn't be speeding in areas where children are present. However, I warned on local forums that this was just a gateway for them to expand the use all over the city, and sure enough, more cameras started appearing in what they called "high traffic" areas.
Debating with speed camera supporters, they instantly assume you dislike them because you intend to speed, and owning performance-focused cars, that's hard to argue with. However, I think if you look at it from a different angle, it becomes painfully obvious that the real goal is to generate revenue.
My car's GPS shows the posted speed limit of whatever street I'm on. So technically, the car knows the speed. Technologically, we'd have no problem creating vehicles that were physically limited to only go as fast as the posted speed of the streets they drive upon. So it would be physically impossible for them to be speeding, and thus there would be no need for speed cameras at all. Of course, it's not as easy as that. There are older cars this tech wouldn't work with, and people would straight-up hate it! But why?
I would assume most people see a speed limiter as a restriction of their freedoms. But if we're willing to accept speed cameras in our communities, which hand out automated punishment when you exceed the speed limits, aren't they also limiting our freedoms as much as a speed limiter in your vehicle would? Is it that we think we can get away with speeding outside the camera zones when "the law" isn't looking? What if there were insurance breaks for those who installed a speed limiter in their vehicles? What if all commercial vehicles were required to have them?
Like it or not, I think autonomous vehicles are opening the door to this future. Soon we will have taxis that drive themselves, buses, shipping vehicles, and I would bet that personal passenger vehicles that are not driven at all aren't too far off.
Once this happens, future people will be amazed that people of the past were ever allowed to control a vehicle by hand at all. When automation comes online, speed cameras, traffic cops, state troopers, and their revenue will be a thing of the past.
Wanted to share this vid posted when I talked about this subject on the Throttle House Discord channel.